Running the Gauntlet
Seven reviews written in the last 6 days, four need to be done by midnight tonight. There’s no rest for the wicked as a similar number of reviews is already planned for December to clean up the remainder. I can’t deny that it isn’t awesomely profitable, because what I make in these busy months makes the job seem all the more worth it.
Normally there’s a bit of a lull in January and February, but in recent years, the industry has recovered for mid February. 2009 is different. I’ve had to cut my planned two month break down to one, since everything fires back up again starting January 15th. My big goal for the year is to enhance my time management skills so that I can make the most of my work days so I don’t have to sacrifice time with the missus.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 (Xbox 360) at Games On Net
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 (Xbox 360) at Games On Net
The Warp Pipe – The Tin Anniversaries Part V at Games On Net