Daily Froth – 28/2
Back from Queensland and in the office working away on this week’s Warp Pipe. Final Fantasies not here yet, hadn’t been sent, even.
Rabid commentary on video games, movies and television.
Back from Queensland and in the office working away on this week’s Warp Pipe. Final Fantasies not here yet, hadn’t been sent, even.
This week’s Warp Pipe is completed. Final Fantasy I and II for PSP and No More Heroes for Wii look to be the next review assignments. Off to Queensland for a wedding, not back until Tuesday evening.
Art of Fighting Anthology review was posted. Persona 3 review now complete. Have to throw together this week’s Warp Pipe, and part of next week’s before I leave for Queensland tomorrow. Yay.
Art of Fighting Anthology review complete. Never seen a classic compilation that’s so bare bones. First two games in the series are tosh, but the third is pretty good. Price here is a ripoff – $49.95, yet it can be found freely in the UK for about 20 bucks. Aussie publishers complain that the cost of doing business is associated with being forced to do business via UK arms, but it sounds like a lot of phooey when seeing examples like the one above.
The new Warp Pipe is up.
Spending the weekend with Mario Galaxy, and a kitten that thinks it’s a puppy.
Next-Gen.biz deal fell through.
Webcomic is cancelled.
Warp Pipe will be up on Sunday.
People from last house have not sent my mail over. Boo-urns.
Meowing kittens in my ear and people shuffling up and down outside of my room all day have made productivity difficult. Taking a quick break from this week’s Warp Pipe to just settle my mind – I was unhappy with the first draft, so I’m rewriting it. Thought I’d have it done by 2pm, but I didn’t even start until 2:30.
Ditched the webcomic. Van hadn’t made an appearance online in two weeks, and my expanded role at Internode for lots more monies has made the concept of working on anything for free less than desirable. While I think the comic would have worked, I think I’d have had to put a lot of effort into educating him about gaming, since his knowledge was limited to driving games.
Waiting on Next-Gen to get back to me with regards to their Australian writer position. Had a chat to them a month ago and I was the front runner, but they were not 100% on the need for such a writer just yet, and requested I talk to them again later on.
No published articles today. Lazy sod, etc.
Silly Jamie from SI sent the games to the wrong address – we went to the old house to see if the owners were home to forward on the mail – it looked like said package was in the mail box, but we’ll wait and see if they forward it on. Moogle (the kitten) seems to be settling in well – meowed the whole way home, and was only interested in playing and exploring last night. She settled down a bit today, so she should be good for the long haul. Warp Pipe article plan done today, real thing to be written tomorrow. More Geometry Wars needs to be played, and Turok will probably get the review treatment soon. Sick of Ricky Ponting 2007 and its glitchy achievements, so I’m not going for the 1000 on it anymore.
This weekend has been declared Super Mario Weekend so that I can beat Galaxy before I go to Queensland next week.
Alien vs. Predator review finally posted. Persona 3 and Art of Fighting Anthology appear to be taking their sweet time, too. More Geometry Wars Galaxies to be played today. Have to drive up to Balwyn tonight to pick up our new kitten – it’ll be my first time in peak hour, shall be interesting.
So I finally got off my butt last week and put in the pitch to Internode for a column to fill the gap left by Easy Mode. The result is The Warp Pipe, which is pretty much Easy Mode in spirit, but will run weekly, and will probably feature a little more serious content, rather than piss taking and unjustified ranting. You’ll be able to read The Warp Pipe every Sunday on the Internode Games Network.
My role with IGN will be expanding greatly in the coming months. Can’t really talk about what’s happening, but it’s all very exciting.
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