I spent the majority of my Sunday editing the GTAIV review that will hit Internode sometime this week, the reason being that neither the copy editor nor content editor had played the game.
As a critic/review in this industry, I make an effort to play the vast majority of releases in the industry, regardless of their quality. I can accept that the two editors had not played it, as their roles do not require them to have insight on the majority of releases, but I was shocked to find that many big name reviewers and bloggers had little to no experience with the Grand Theft Auto series prior to the release of the fourth game.
There are certain big name games that I have missed over the years, due to not being behind a particular piece of hardware or perhaps not even owning said piece of hardware, but I’ve made it my duty to try and track these games down and play them to enhance my perspective. It’s a time consuming exercise, but I think it adds to the work that I do churn out, and will hopefully benefit those who read my articles.
This week’s entry is a little rushed as I’m likely to be playing catch up all week. There are certain parts of the Warp Pipe I’m now preparing in advance, I’ve got reviews to write for Okami and NBA Ballers, and the first part of the Warp Pipe’s Metal Gear Retrospective to plan and write.
Iron Man (Xbox 360) at Internode Games Network
The Warp Pipe at Internode Games Network